"OBSESSIONS: Making the List."
A lot of that has to do with the fact that we're just inundated with so much on the Internet," says's Lisa Nola, (who, yes, keeps a lot of lists). "(It's) not just the books that are on The New York Times best-seller list anymore -- there are books that are self-released, or through Amazon, or (other) online means, and there's so much more for people to follow throughout the year. At the end, they sort of turn to their trusted sources to weed out the year's worth."
Author Umberto Eco, who examines lists in culture with his book "The Infinity of Lists," said in a 2009 interview with Der Spiegel that "the list doesn't destroy culture; it creates it." If you embrace that line of thinking, as's Nola does, then year-end lists can be seen as more than a holiday habit of ours, brought out at the end of the year along with the Christmas lights.

Lindsay Lohan was spotted sitting outside Hals Bar and Grill in Venice, California yesterday. The actress was actually enjoying some time sitting in the sunshine with two friends and spent most of the time there writing in her Friend's Listography Book. The journal type book is full of lists to write that can be shared with other people, from favourite movies to fortune cookie suggestions and Lindsay barely lifter her head from it. She wrote notes in the book while chatting to her friends.


"Book Club"
For victims of writer's block, a blank sheet of paper can be really intimidating. Even more daunting: An entire notebook of unmarked pages. And while we've heard of numerous cures (and even tried a few), none seem to obliterate the problem-- until now. Enter The Listography Series, a collection of journal-like books determined to get your writing down stuff. Created by Lisa Nola, the range is intended to make writing lists, recording memories, and keeping track of goals less daunting. Our favorite: Music Listography, which includes pages like "List The Songs That Drive You Crazy," and even a place to write down your secret guilty pleasure tracks (Leighton Meester's "Summer Girl," anyone?) Too bad we still don't know what to do with that stack of barely-touched notebooks... -- ALI HOFFMAN

"Digital Solution to Paper Problem for List-Making Fanatics" is a lot more than a promotional website for the books --it's an online repository of lists made by people around the world. Anyone can sign up and it's free, so it's a fantastic green alternative to a book. offers the best of all worlds. No paper means my lists are greener. You can keep each list private or make it public. All around, it's a great way to make all sorts of lists and keep track of everything--without requiring paper or buying a book. And while a web-based repository may have been limiting a few years ago, cell phones allow people go paperless with the web anytime, anywhere.
It's the ultimate forum for making and sharing lists, and users don't hold back. People list everything and anything, including what they did on a given day, bucket lists, likes, dislikes, places they want to travel to, and dates of haircuts. My lists are a repository for memories and events in my life--a sort of virtual scrapbook that groups events and ideas thematically rather than chronologically.
"Listography Is a Socially-Oriented List Management Tool"
At first glance Listography looks like a to-do list web site but it's a list-making tool made for sharing lists of all sorts. The premise of Listography is that you can create a biography of sorts through lists about your life -- movies you've enjoyed, books you've read, places you've traveled and plan to travel -- and share them with friends, family, and the greater world. You can of course use Listography as a sort of wikipedia-inspired master to-do list but the service was definitely designed with a more personal sort of sharing in mind.

Whether you want to be creative, lose weight, get a fresh outlook, or all of the above, these books can help. Listography: Your Life in Lists. This quirky workbook encourages you to record your personal highlights--big accomplishments, random acts of kindness, favorite cds. As you scribble, you'll find yourself reflecting on your past--and making plans for the future! Buy it...if you want to give yourself a boost by recognizing all the things you've achieved.

"Books That are MORE Than Books, by Whitney Matheson"
I've come across a few books lately that offer more than words on a page -- they're full of activities that creative types of all ages might appreciate. Whether you're looking for something to do or just trying to get a jump on your holiday shopping, keep these titles in mind: Are you obsessed with making lists? Here's the journal for you -- it arranges your life into more than 80 lists, from "Your Favorite Toys You Played With As a Child" to "Your Personal Fashion Trends Over the Years." (True confession: I went through a serious suspenders phase in 1993.) Accompanying each list is a cute, Napoleon Dynamite-esque illustration by Nathaniel Russell. Paper-haters can make lists online at

"Eleven Internet Tools to Boost Your Happiness, by Gretchen Rubin"
The internet is a treasure trove. I'm constantly amazed by the astounding information and tools that are out there. I've found several sites that provide great services that help boost happiness, in one way or another. I've used all of these myself and have found them extremely useful. ... 5. Listography - Just the other day, I wrote about why I think keeping lists can be a useful tool for building happiness. Listography makes it easy to keep all sorts of lists as a way to organize thoughts, set goals, and keep accountability.

"First Things First by Danielle M. Capalbo"
For some, like Walquist, lists are all business, with no sentimental undertone. But for Lisa Nola, author of "Listography Journal" and cofounder of, lists mean more than moving toward the future: They help remember the past. "Some people say it's obsessive or too nostalgic," she says. "But when you know that your memory is going to fade, and you're going to lose these things, you just want to keep them for yourself." In her book, people can record the places they've lived or the names of their pets; Nola created all the lists. "Listing is a way to honor something," she says. "So if you create a list of your favorite high school memories, or about your grandmother, you're honoring that time or that person by creating this little monument for it."


"Listography: Your Life in Lists by Lisa Nola, by Natalie Zee Drieu"
I loved the book High Fidelity by Nick Hornby and subsequently the movie starting John Cusak because the main character would always have a "Top 5" list, whether it was a song for certain situations or list of his ex-girlfriends. The new book Listography: Your Life in Lists by Lisa Nola (published by Chronicle Books) lets you transcribe your own favorites into this journal. With beautiful illustrations by Nathaniel Russell, you can make lists of things like your favorite movies, bands, cartoon shows, etc. But I love the really fun lists like "list the things you'd save if your home was on fire" or "list things you think everyone should do if money is not an issue". You can also make up your own lists in the back and if you're like me, list out the craft projects you want to tackle this year.
"Five Ways to Use Tech to Get Organized This Year, Dory Devlin"
It's up there with exercise, better diet, and travel. Even if you don't publicly proclaim a list of new year's resolutions to the world, most of us take stock this time of year, even if we make silent goals. And for the less orderly among us, chances are good that "get organized" is somewhere on the list. Tech can help. Every year, there are more tech gadgets, online tools, and software to help you organize your personal and work lives. Here are five ways you can use tech to help organize every aspect of your life. ... 4. Make lists. Every day. One trademark of organized types is that they make lists, all the time. You don't need a desktop filled with colorful Post-It notes to jot down your to-do's. Instead, use Ta-Da Lists to make and update lists. Listography is another place to make lists to help you keep track of your resolutions and any other life lists. Try CircleUp to organize group to-dos, like soccer team carpools and snack lists and work project tasks.

"Listography: Songs They'll Play at Your Funeral, By Eliot Van Buskirk"
Listography lets you create a free-form list of anything that strikes your fancy and post it for the world to see, in a matter of seconds (it takes longer to think of what to put on a list than it does to create one). Given the propensity of music nerds to create lists of things a la High Fidelity, it's not surprising that nearly 2,000 of Listography's lists have to do with music (high school mixtapes, best basslines ever, songs to play at my funeral, and so on). In a couple of weeks, Chronicle Books will release a book version of Listography (preview), with a children's version slated for next summer. According to Lisa Nola, co-creator of the site and co-author of the book, people create musical lists as a way of processing memory: "I think there is something to music not just being about the present, but capturing really distinct time periods from our past. The music we listen to is autobiographical in the way a smell can be."
"Visions of the Future/Listography by Xeni Jardin"
In this first episode of Boing Boing TV: Listography (a book and website by Lisa Nola about documenting your life in lists) Your life can be defined in a series of shareble lists. Terrifying but true. There is a new website and book called Listography and the idea is like scrapbooking for people with attention deficit disorder. So a list may document your favorite bands or your past lovers or your lasts: last break up, last thing you lost, last kiss. You create time lines, capture eras and reveal who you are through your favorites at Here a user named Jordana lets the world know what languages she wants to learn, which foods taste the best to her, and which gadgets are at the top of her wishlist. Listography is now out on paper through Chronicle Books and you can find the website at